



小さい会議になると4050人規模で、みんな静かに聞くようになります。でもやっぱり寝てる人がいたり、ほかの作業をしてる人がいたりで集中できていないようです。そもそも会議の方法が、ワードをスクリーンに映して1文ずつ訂正していく形式なため、有意義な議論というのは生まれにくいのではないでしょうか?しかも、訂正した文は会議の後メールで送られてくるのを待つか、スクリーンを見ながら、自分で打つしかありません。Google Docsを使うのは嫌なようで、非効率なままです。(派遣者 大橋)

During the COP period, a number of side events and exhibitions supported by Governments, NGOs, and Corporations are held both inside and outside the stadium in addition to the meetings. Plenary, contain more than a few hundreds of people, operates not so well. When co-chair starts to talk, many of the parties do not stop chatting and people are going in and out of conference during the session. Even in small meetings, participants might fall asleep. “Wording” gets much more attention than “contents” during small meetings. The process was on screen in front and it was not shared until the end of the meeting. So, people have to reflect the changes in their own Word file to correct the sentence. Why not use google and share it online so that changes can be viewed in real time, or they want to limit the audience before publication?

Yuki O.

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